There are two huge news in science world today but the biggest disappearance in the whole UNIVERSE easily won against usual very strange behaviour of quantum mechanics. So what did disappeared today? The answer is 23% of the whole universe, all dark matter (DK) is gone! It's just impossible to imagine such quantities and how now one haven't seen it disappearing? Well...actually, no one has even seen dark matter or received any evidence which could prove its existence. First time DK was mentioned in 1932 so exactly 80 years ago. For all this time scientists were looking for a way to confirm it's presence, they built huge detectors for this reason and spent loads of time. But today Marcel Pawlowski and his PhD student from the University of Bonn revealed their discovery of satellite galaxies circling around Milky Way. To find them photographic plates and images were used which were taken from different apparatus. These newly discovered galaxies formed a structure which continues from 30 000 light years to 1 million light years from the center of the Galaxy. This structure perfectly fits with all data and theory. Scientists wonders that it was formed in distant past when Milky Way smashed into another galaxy. Now everyone is waiting for confirmation or rejection of this new theory. It is really very pleasant that understanding of the universe is getting better and better so a day is coming when we will say "I know everything about Universe". Next step is to explain Dark Energy which forms more than 70 percent of universe so to do it won't be very easy. To get a more detailed view please visit:
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